an attempt to make a noise for Jesus

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Think of me

posted by noiz at 11:29 AM and (0) heard him

If I could change the way I think about you, I would change, and I would love you! If I could change the way you think of me, you would change and you would love me... would you? I think I'll change what I think about you, I think I love you. What do you think of me? Do you ever think of me? Do you feel the same way about me? Do you love me? How will I ever tell you that I love you?

: )

Update at 17:33
I came in for work this morning but could not enter the press where I am helping out because we were robbed. I wasn't sure what was hapenning but when the police came it was confirmed that we were robbed, over Rs. 20,000 was stollen.

Please pray for everyone here, and that the thiefs would be apprehended etc. Bye for now.

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