an attempt to make a noise for Jesus

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

No Electricity... only batteries

posted by noiz at 11:49 AM and (0) heard him

The electricity is out, I'm making this post from my cousin's cyber cafe. The lights are out here too but he has batteries.

I got a call last night for the job interview at the car dealership, it seems the meeting is today at 5:30 in the afternoon.

Anyway here are two true stories that touched me very much:
He got Save under a tree
One of our pastors told us this story last Sunday. There was a man from a village (Pastor didn't tell which village) who climbed a tree to pick some fruits (perhaps oranges-this time of the year-Pastor didn't tell us which fruit either) when he heard someone, at the nearby river, sing a hymn. God touched him there and he climbed down and cried under the tree (he got saved there, he wasn't even a Christian). Now he is serving God in the church at his home village.

I praise God for this. Halleluyah.
She is healed of AIDS
This too was shared by one of our pastors. There was a lady who had been affected by the AIDS virus. (Pastor did't tell us who she is only that she is a member of our Church here in Shillong). She came to talk to the pastor about this issue in her life. She ended up getting healed after prayer. Halleluyah.
I'm telling you that the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, He is still alive. : )

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