an attempt to make a noise for Jesus

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I am not...

posted by noiz at 3:44 PM and (0) heard him

I am not blogging as much as I think I should. I'll have a job interview next week, I pray I get it. Right now I'm working as a Desk Top Publishing guy at a super market. This is an interesting job but I seem to not have much time at hand for other stuffs like going out with friends, choir practice etc. The other job is at a car dealership, I think I'll make more time if I get the job there. They pay more too. But I don't think they will provide internet connection. So I'll have to use a Cyber Cafe.

Christmas season is here. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Thanks to people who have commented so far.

Been surfing BlogClicker and BlogExplosion most of the time and have found some great blogs to read which I will share in the future, I have book/blogmarked them.

God bless you.

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