an attempt to make a noise for Jesus

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Sites to Remember_:

posted by noiz at 4:52 PM and (0) heard him

My short review of

The url:

It been 9 years for JfH. I discovered it only 2 years ago. I like this website because I am a Christian Music fan and it provides everything I need to know on my favourite bands and their music.

They feature interviews with bands and artists, a large artist database, music news, links, album previews and reviews, lyrics, independent music reviews, concert details, devotional and a lot more. It is such a great internet hangout place.

I like the Crazy Captions section very much, they always make me laugh.

JfH holds many contest too, but I've never won... yet.

Every Christian music fan should visit this website often.

Jesus. Faith. Music.

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